TreeTop's 2025-2027 Strategic Plan
- To obtain full accreditation with the National Children’s Alliance.
- Strengthen community partner relationships and the MDT.
- To diversify and increase capacity of the Board of Directors.
- Review and revise all internal policies and procedures to ensure the organization has all necessary documents and that documents are updated regularly with best and current practices.
- Increase private and business donations through increased marketing efforts.
- Obtain financial stability and sustainability.
- Improve access to mental health treatment for CAC clients.
- Increase access to medical expertise for CAC clients to ensure they are offered wraparound paths to healing.
- Strengthen the FI program in order to be able to offer developmentally appropriate, language-specific interviews to every referred child.
- Improve the advocacy program in-house at TreeTop so that it is consistent across all advocates and effective for all clients.
- Strengthen community partner relationships and the MDT.
- Work towards creating an in-house prevention program that is implemented in the schools.