Where we are located

We are located at 103 S. Harris St. Breckenridge CO 80424 in the bottom floor of the Breck Grand Vacations Community Center building, below the South branch library.

What should I tell my child about the forensic interview?

Most importantly, let your child know that they are NOT in any trouble. Assure your child that TreeTop is a safe place to talk and that everyone there is here to help. Do not repeatedly question your child about the abuse. If your child brings it up, listen without commenting or questioning and take note of what they say. Do not have your child practice what to say.

When should I tell my child this will be taking place?

Tell your child about the appointment early enough that they don’t feel like it’s a surprise, but not so far in advance that they have a lot of time to worry about it.

What to expect during your visit

On the day of the interview, you and your child will be greeted by one of TreeTop’s Family Advocates. After a quick tour of the center, the Advocate will show you the interview room and explain the process to you and your child. Any siblings or other children that you have with you are welcome to toys and snacks that we have available in our waiting room. After checking in with the multidisciplinary team, the Advocate will introduce you and your child to the forensic interviewer. At that time, the interviewer and your child will go and begin the recorded interview. You will not be able to join your child in the interview room. During the interview you will have time to speak with the Advocate and voice any concerns or questions that you may have.

After the interview, you will meet with the multidisciplinary team and discuss the next steps in the process. Any, questions and concerns will be addressed by the team. You will leave the Child Advocacy Center with everyone’s contact information and will be kept informed during the process of the investigation.
