Salud conductual

TreeTop has agreements with local behavioral health providers and the child and family advocate will coordinate services and make appropriate referrals to other community resources. All services offered at TreeTop are available to all families who receive a referral to our center, regardless of their ability to pay.

Benefits of therapy for child

  • Reinforce that the abuse is not the child’s fault
  • Reassure children that nothing is wrong with them ~ they were not chosen or picked over other children
  • Learn strategies to manage the consequences of being exposed to trauma
  • Receive help with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), dissociation, avoidance, if needed
  • Integrate the exposure to precocious knowledge (i.e., acting-out behavior)
  • Secure the sexual identity process
  • Regain control of sexual, behavioral, and cognitive developmental processes
  • Provide clarity and reinforcement of appropriate boundaries
  • Manage their protective feelings of offender
  • Reinstate trust in the world and belief systems
  • Manage the effects of being abused ~ research suggests that effects of abuse can be minimized if dealt with up front or immediately after a disclosure instead of in adult life

Benefits of therapy for parents/caregivers

  • Reinforce that the abuse is not the parent’s fault
  • Manage your protective feelings of offender
  • Reinstate trust in the world and belief systems
  • Manage secondary trauma symptoms
  • Gain knowledge of treatment process
  • Appropriately talk to the child about what happened
  • Appropriately talk to the child about boundaries and safety
  • Access support when normal support system may have failed (for example, other support systems may be supporting the offender)

The Healing Process

Your Advocate will continue to support your family’s needs and can connect you with therapy, domestic violence resources, early intervention, and other services to help your family begin the healing process.
